The path of courage and love is the path to be walked and it often requires the enlivenment of the heart to embark on that journey.
The mission of Enliven is to guide you towards the enlivenment of your heart and to empower you with the fortitude that it takes to confront and overcome the obstacles and resistance that are preventing you from walking that path.
“Your heart knows the way. Run in that direction.”
- Rumi
Our Services
Schedule & Events
Mondays @ Noon: Ashtanga Modified Primary Series at Indigo Yoga
Wednesdays @ Noon: Ashtanga Modified Primary Series at Indigo Yoga
Sundays @ 11:30AM: Hot Kundalini Fusion at Indigo Yoga
ZOOM Classes Wednesdays and Thursdays at 10 AM (MT)
Find more detail @saharuoda on Instagram
Retreat June 2021!
More information coming soon!